Product Delivery

We ship Australia wide. So, if you are located in Australia, you can easily avail yourself of all our products. Shipping charges do apply and they may vary according to your ocation.

Seller-Customer Contract

Once you place an order with us, you will receive a confirmation mail or message on the contact details provided by you. It will be followed by a dispatch confirmation once we complete the dispatch procedure.

We are obliged to deliver all the products that we confirmed for order. In case of unavailability, we will inform you beforehand and in case of restocking, we will send out a notification to you.

The personal information that you share with us will be kept strictly confidential and won’t be shared with third parties.

Availability and Delivery

In case a particular product is unavailable at the time of your order, an equivalent product will be substituted. If we do not have any substitutes for an unavailable product, it will be specified at the check out.

As we ship Australia-wide, the delivery date might vary depending upon your location. But it will be no more than 7 business days from the dispatch date.

We charge a delivery fee of $12 on all orders. But for regional orders, if your order amount exceeds $99, we will offer free delivery.

Return Policy

While we ensure that only the best quality products make their way to you, in case there is a fault, we will rectify it with our return policy.

We will process a return and offer a full refund including the delivery charges:

  • If the product that you receive is past its expiry date.
  • If you receive the wrong product.

In both these circumstances, you are expected to contact us within 7 days of receiving the order, after that period no return requests would be accepted.

Our return policy doesn’t cover:

  • Wrong order placement from your side in terms of both product and quantity.
  • Change of mind.
  • Products whose return request has not been raised within 7 days of delivery.

Product Warranty

We deliver only superior quality products and all our products come with quality certification. In case you find any of our products be it nuts, oil or honey to be of inferior quality, you can claim our warranty policy. Each product has a different warranty period and you will be informed about it when you place the order.

In case you raise an issue, we will send in our experts for a proper inspection and the issue would be resolved accordingly.

Liability Policy

  • We supply products of the highest quality and they will never have an adverse effect on your health. In case, a health-related injury occurs because of an allergy, we won’t be the ones responsible for it as all our products have their composition mentioned on the label. So, we recommend you to read the product description before consuming any product to avoid such circumstances.
  • But we will be liable for:
    • Any medical condition that occurs because of our negligence.
    • Misrepresentation of our products.
    • Selling of defective products as per the Competition and Consumer Act 2010.

    Delivery Delays

    We will give our best to ensure that your delivery is made within the stipulated time frame but in case a delay occurs we will take the responsibility for it and do the needful.

    But in case the delay occurs due to an unforeseen circumstance out of our control, your cooperation is requested. Such events are termed Force Majeure Events.

    • Australia-wide or local strikes or lockdowns.
    • Any natural disaster which limits mobility.
    • Any restrictions imposed by the government.
    • A delay in public modes of transport like railways, motor transport, etc. due to government initiatives.

    In such situations, we won’t be liable for any delay caused. In case of a Force Majeure Event, we will naturally receive an extension and the order will make it to you once the situation gets back to normal.

    Change in Terms and Conditions

    In case the market conditions change, our terms and conditions might be revised or amended in accordance with them. This includes:

    • Change in market prices
    • Change in taxation policy
    • Change in payment methods
    • Change in regulatory requirements.

    As a customer, you would be subject to such changes unless the government authorities recommend otherwise. Also, note that in case such changes are implemented after the dispatch of the order, that particular order wouldn’t be subject to those changes.

    In case you have any objections to the changes that we make and need some clarifications, you have to reach out to us within 7 days, otherwise, it will signify acceptance on your part.

    Ethical Sourcing Policy

    We are dedicated to offering all our customers the best quality products. To this end, we consider it our responsibility to ensure that the suppliers that we engage with us adopt only the best practices. All our suppliers are reputed and trustworthy but to be doubly sure we conduct frequent quality checks.

    Also, we expect that all our suppliers work in accordance with the regulations set by the Australian government in terms of their working environment, quality standards and employees.

    This includes a complete adherence to:

    • Minimum employment age
    • Health and safety regulations
    • No adoption of discriminatory policies
    • No engagement in inhumane treatment, either to humans or animals
    • Minimum wage rate
    • Proper working hours

    In case any of these regulations are violated we ensure immediate dissolution of the contract.